Sound absorption class as per UNI ISO 11654:1998
The Acoustic comfort has a great importance in public and private environments, and becomes a primary goal during the design or refurbishment phases. Fabrics with acoustic properties are fundamental for developing furniture solutions which allow to reduce annoying reverberations, background noises and other negative issues lied to the sound waves. Thanks to the PUGI RG Acoustic fabrics, it is easy to make curtains , drapes and furnishing solutions as well as sound-absorbing panels , achieving huge benefits in the acoustics, ,on transport, domestic and working environments.
Sound-absorbing acoustic fabrics as per UNI EN ISO 354:2003 in curled fabric configuration.
The performance varies depending by the distance from wall and the kind of curling. These kind of fabrics can be used for curtains or drapes to reduce the reverberation and the noise in cinemas, theaters, public places, offices , transportation, cruises etc
Sound absorption class**
A: aw = 0,90, 0,95 o/or 1,00; EXTREMELY HIGH SOUND ABSORBING
B: aw = 0,80 o/or 0,85; HIGH SOUND ABSORBING
C: aw = 0,60, 0,65, 0,70 o/or 0,75; VERY SOUND ABSORBING
D: aw = 0,30, 0,35, 0,40, 0,45, 0,50 o/or 0,55; SOUND ABSORBING
E: aw = 0,15, 0,20 o/or 0,25; LITTLE SOUND ABSORBING
Not classified: aw = 0,00, 0,05 o/or 0,10.
Report on acoustical characterization of material according to UNI EN ISO 10534-2
To verify the effect of the fabric applied to a sound-transparent panel, acoustic measurements were conducted. In particular, normal incidence sound absorption coefficient tests have been carried out firstly on a sample of sound-absorbing material and successively on the same material sample covered by the fabric.
Considering the main usage of the fabrics and to also evaluate the effect on different sound-absorbing materials, it was chosen to use two different supporting panels:
A: Mineral wool panel, finished with fleece, having a density of about 160 kg/m3 , nominal thickness 40 mm, usually used for self-supporting suspended sound-absorbing panels.
B: Polyester fiber panel, having density of about 40 kg/m3, nominal thickness 40 mm, usually used for sound-absorbing wall coverings
For each one of the two materials, the measurements have been carried out on the basic sound-absorbing panel and on the same panel covered with the fabric. Different samples of fabric have been used and the average of the measurements has been finally calculated
Please refer to the complete description and to the test reports.
Example of panels done with sound – transparent fabrics